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Artist / Presenter Partnership

The partnership empowers artists and presenters through collaboration and strengthens relationships. 

Stay open to the fact that change will occur and that, at times, you may  be challenged to do things differently. Acknowledge what is important to each partner and try to meet those goals that overlap. Ease communication and understanding by deciding and agreeing on common language. Be prepared for your roles and relationships to change throughout the project.

Most importantly, acknowledge successes and share the credit.

Artist-presenter partnerships  provide two key benefits:

  • The partnership empowers artists and presenters through collaboration sharing practices and experiences that enrich their creative and presenting repertoires and supports each in dealing with ongoing challenges in this new way of working with community.
  • The partnership strengthens relationships that respect multiple perspectives and knowledge and leverages the strengths, skills, expertise and reputation of the other.

Guidelines for Presenter-Artist Partnership


Why - community engagement with youth and community Choreographer Keira Martin


North Yorkshire Youth Dance Connecting with local environments


Megan English - Community Engagement with dance

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