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Empathy, Inclusivity, and Well-Being

This past October, Agenda Paris hosted their Communicating the Arts conference in Montreal. Communicating the Arts is an international conference for cultural leaders. Formerly focused on museums, the conference has recently expanded to the wider cultural sector, providing a unique opportunity for knowledge-sharing across the often-siloed fields of museums, galleries, and performing arts organizations.

The Montreal edition of CTA was focused on Empathy, Inclusivity, and Well-Being – important and timely topics for our sector that intersect in both obvious and surprising ways. Many of us in arts and culture are working to determine how our organizations can be healthier, more inclusive spaces that play a vital role in the betterment of our communities. 

The conference offered a wealth of resources, case studies, and lessons on these topics. Ontario Presents' Natalie Dewan wrote a summary post pulling out some of the key insights and resources. Click below to find out more!

If you're particularly interested in the arts and health/well-being, we also highly recommend this fascinating WHO report (click here) on the evidence for the postive influence that the arts can have on health.

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Community Engagement Resources from Doug Borwick

Doug Borwick is a US-based artist, arts administrator, and leading advocate for community engagement in the arts.

Nurturing Local Culture: Stories from Creative People and Places

The following is a summary of key learnings and resources from a virtual con

Turning Engagement Patterns Upside Down


Power Up

"This think-piece by Chrissie Tiller unearths and explores some of the complexities and challenges of sharing power, drawing on thinking


Karen Kaeja - Green in the loveliest way


Kala Seraphin - Kingston, Ontario


The House Concert - Cultural Diversity

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