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Resources from Of By For All

OF/BY/FOR ALL is an organization that "envision[s] a world in which all people are empowered to share their talents to strengthen their communities. Communities in which people feel safe, welcome, and connected to the strangers who cross their paths every day. [They] are helping build this future by equipping civic and cultural organizations to become of, by, and for their communities. OF/BY/FOR ALL provides tools, community, accountability, and coaching on radical inclusion."

"The OF/BY/FOR ALL approach starts with a simple equation: OF + BY = FOR. [They] believe that the most powerful way to become relevant FOR diverse communities is to become representation OF them and co-created BY them. Rather than guessing what a unfamiliar community might want or need, we encourage you to get to know that community. To spend time in that community. To listen and learn from them. And then, with community partners at the table, to figure out how you can most meanignfully work together to achive each of your goals."

OF/BY/FOR ALL was founded by Nina Simon, author of The Inclusive Museum, founder of the Museum 2.0 blog, and champion for inclusivity in arts and culture.

The organization offers a fee-based program of personal coaching for specific organizational change, as well as many free resources, including a self-assessment, a toolkit on respectful audience surveying, and much more.

Explore resources here


Community Engagement Resources from Doug Borwick

Doug Borwick is a US-based artist, arts administrator, and leading advocate for community engagement in the arts.

Nurturing Local Culture: Stories from Creative People and Places

The following is a summary of key learnings and resources from a virtual con

Turning Engagement Patterns Upside Down


Power Up

"This think-piece by Chrissie Tiller unearths and explores some of the complexities and challenges of sharing power, drawing on thinking


Megan English - Community Engagement with dance


Heritage Engagement


Ronnie Brown - Oakville Centre

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