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Community Questionnaire

A community questionnaire is a tool to help you find individuals who might share your values concerning arts engagement or who have the potential to help connect you to potential partners or funders. They also can help you gain a greater understanding about what is going on in your community.   This questionnaire is not an exhaustive list by any standard, merely a tool to get you started to think about the wide array of community leaders who are active in your community in different areas. 

Once you have identified these individuals, make a call or send an email.  Let the person know you have an interest in partnering to facilitate arts engagement experiences and that you would like to learn more about them and gain their perspective.

Here are some ideas of questions to include in your community questionnaire


Why - community engagement with youth and community Choreographer Keira Martin


cj fleury


Judith Marcuse

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Submit your story about a successful community engagement project to the growing resource we are creating together.


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