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Guidelines for Presenter-Artist Partnership

The following characteristics define a successful presenter-artist partnership:

  • Shared goals that ultimately result in enhanced experience for participants – and effective, sustainable partnership makes documented progress toward fulfilling its goals.
  • Mutual benefit - the partnership should articulate and acknowledge what is important to each member, and should at minimum try to meet those individual goals that overlap.
  • A respect of each other’s organizational cultures - the presenter and artist both bring expertise to the partnership and have much to learn from one another.
  • Shared sense of ownership in the project - the partnership will last if each partner feels the project belongs to them.
  • Shared project leadership - over the life of a partnership, the leadership baton may be passed between the presenter and the artist; but ultimately, collective leadership is the goal.


Ronnie Brown - Oakville Centre


Kala Seraphin - Kingston, Ontario


The Ontario Shebang

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