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The Arts in Post-Crisis Settings

The link to the page below is a treasure trove of articles focusing on the role of the arts in post-crisis settings, found on Hill Strategies website ( 

The first article, 'The Role of Culture and the Arts as a Framework and Tool for Resettlement,' is a report examining how the arts and culture aid the resettlement of refugees in Canada. The second is a report examining the "importance of culture in post-disaster reconstruction and recovery," detailing an international framework to that purpose in 'Culture in City Reconstruction and Recovery.'

Up next is 'Gauging the Impacts of Post-Disaster Arts and Culture Initiatives in Christchurch,' a literature review which takes a look at the "post-disaster creative and artistic programes in Christchurch (New Zealand) with respect to how they have impacted social, cultural, health, and economic wellbeing in the community" in the wake of the 2010 and 2011 earthquakes.

This group of articles is rounded off with 'Artists, Displacement, and Belonging,' a report examining the "situation of artists displaced through natrual disasters or conflict." This article is based on a literature review and compelling interviews with government agencies, grantees, and displaced artists. 

Grouped together these articles make for some enlightening reading, whether you can squeeze in one, two or all of the articles. 

Originally published January 15, 2020. 

Individual articles have been hyper-linked above within the text. 

Click here to access the overview. 


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