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Dance Across The North

May 3, 2016

An engagement project involving 10,000 people across the North of England in experiences of world-class dance and music, within their local communities. Led by Blaize Community Arts and working with multiple partners and involving a series of performances, flashmobs, workshops and house concerts, Balbir Singh Dance Company will inspire and entertain people of all ages. This project takes place in some of the Country's most remote and difficult to reach places; bringing vibrant live performances to everyday settings, for people who may otherwise never have the chance to engage with this kind of experience. New audiences will be introduced to contemporary dance and Kathk Indian dance through relevant and meaningful artistic exchanges.

This diverse programme takes place in locations ranging from traditional rural venues such as village halls, to more intimate spaces including houses and libraries, and even large-scale pop up performances in shopping centres and parks. 

The aims of the project:

  • Bring exciting, diverse dance to those who may not otherwise have the opportunity to engage with it; 
  • Continue to build a strong network of rural touring schemes and venues across the North of England; 
  • Offer inspiration and professional development to young people and dance artists; 

With over fifty events across The North of England (2015-2016) including 23 performances, 5 house concerts, 18 workshops and 8 flashmobs. Click here for further details, news and updates.

Flashmobs were formed part of the community engagement on this project, here below is a video of one that took place in Neston Market, in Cheshire.





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Dance Across The North

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